January 2025 Minutes

A Meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Monday 20 January 2025 at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.  County Councillor Cawrey, District Councillor Goodwin and the Clerk were also present.
Present:  Councillor L.J. Pennell – Chairman
               Councillor I.D. Carrington – Vice-Chairman
               Councillor H.L. Dowson             
               Councillor R.C. Narborough
               Councillor L.T. O’Melia
The Chairman welcomed all present and wished them a Happy New Year. 
1.      Apologies and Declarations of Interest:  Apologies had been received from Cllr Griffin and District Cllr Harrington.  Cllr Griffin was unable to attend due to on-going medical treatment and the Chairman asked members for acceptance of the reason.  All accepted.  Cllr Goodwin had notified that she would be a little late due to a work commitment. Cllr Carrington had also notified of late attendance due to a prior meeting.  Cllr Carrington declared a non pecuniary interest in Item 4b and Item 8 as a Trustee of the Village Hall.  The Chairman reminded members they could make the appropriate declaration at any stage should it become necessary.  
2.      Clerk’s Notes from the Meeting held on 11 December 2024:  The notes from this meeting had been distributed to each member.  The Chairman proposed that the notes be accepted and approved as minutes for signing and this was unanimously agreed.  
3.       Matters Arising:
3a. Information Packs for New Residents:  None.
3b. Website:  Payment had been made for the five extra website hours purchased as previously agreed.  An email had been received from the Webmaster asking if parish councils would like a link on the website to the Mobile Library Service.  It was agreed we would have the link.  Clerk to reply to the Webmaster accordingly.
4. Planning:    The Chairman reminded members that any District Councillor present could not express an opinion on any of the planning items. 
4a.     24/0841/RESM – Lincoln South East Quadrant, North of Canwick Avenue and East of London Road, Bracebridge Heath:  On-going.  It was noted archaeological work was in progress on the site.
4b.    24/1208/FUL – Erection of Dwelling and Double Garage – Land to Rear of 12 Heighington Road:  On-going.
4c.    Items Notified since Publication of the Agenda:  None.  
5. Environment:
5a. Highways Issues:  It was noted the road sweeper had been in the village the previous week.
Cllr O’Melia stated that after the freezing temperatures earlier in the month he had reported the ice patch at the bottom of Hall Drive to LCC ‘Fix My Street’.  He had received notification that it was to be investigated along with the spring further up the road.
5b.    Path to Bracebridge Heath Recreation Ground:  On-going.
5c.    Litter/Dog Waste Bins – Linden Homes Estate:  The Chairman reported on various waste bin options that he had discussed with Jenny Bailey at NKDC and suggested that the Topsy 2000 would probably be the most suitable at a cost of approximately £250 each plus fixtures and fittings.  He proposed allowing £1300 for 3 bins.  All agreed.
6.       Correspondence:
6a. NKDC Parish & Town Council Newsletter January 2025:  This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman asked for any comments.  No comments received.
6b.     LCC Town and Parish Council Newsletter – December 2024:  This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman asked for any comments.  No comments received.
6c.     Highways News:  This had been e-mailed to members and was noted.  
6d.    NKDC – Flooding:  This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman stated it was a useful reminder of who to contact.  He asked Cllr Cawrey to pass on congratulations to the Fire and Rescue team on behalf of the Parish Council.
6e.    Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Clubs:  This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman stated he was not aware of any clubs locally but should anyone know of any to let himself or the Clerk know.  
6f.    LCC – Budget and Council Tax Proposal 2025/26:  This had been e-mailed to members and was noted.
6g.    Lalc – Annual Subs 25/26 & ATS 25/26:  This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman stated there was now provision to pay both subscriptions early so as not to clash with the financial year end.  He proposed we renew both stating they are helpful services and also the Website Management Service is heavily discounted to members.  All agreed.
6h.    Snowdrop Event:  This had been e-mailed to members.  The Clerk to send for a hard copy for display.
6i.    North Kesteven Heritage Strategy: Have Your Say:  This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman suggested members could do the survey individually if they wished.
6j.    Items Received since Publication of Agenda:  An email had been received from LCC and forwarded to members reference a Consultation for a proposed SEND Hub at the Meadows Primary School, Lincoln. Noted.
A further e-mail had been received from Ron Bailey, the Parliamentary Advisor to the charity ‘Electrical Safety First’, reference a campaign for the Safety of Lithium-ion Batteries.  It was resolved we would continue our support.
7.    County and District Councillor Reports:  Cllr Cawrey reported:
•     The death of District Councillor and Former Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council Peter Burley following a fall at home.   
•     Cllr Carrington and herself had recently visited farmland in the Washingborough Parish that has had issues
       with flooding since construction of the bypass. 
•     Market Place Sleaford had now re-opened.
•     LCC had shown an interest in becoming a unitary authority for which there is a 2 year turnaround.  They have asked for the election in May 2025 to be delayed for 2 years.  A decision on this is expected 10 February.
•     Since construction of the Water Railway a length of pathway on the Lincoln side of Washingborough Road has suffered a lack of significant maintenance making it barely useable.  Following complaints it is hopeful that the path will now be restored.
•     It was noted there had been a call from Councils to ban pavement parking in England.
Cllr Goodwin reported that ‘The Free Trees to Communities Scheme’ had been extended until the end of January.
Cllr Carrington reported that NKDC were very robust financially.
It was noted that the new NKDC Chief Executive would be starting shortly.
8.    Village Hall:  Cllr Carrington reported a new boiler had been installed and electrical work had been completed and on behalf of the Village Hall Trustees he wished to thank the Parish Council for their contribution.
9.    Finance:   
9a.  Bank Account Update:  The Chairman reported that on 31 December the balance on the Deposit Account was £42,606.25 with £51.12 new interest.  The balance on the Current Account was £352.04 with two outstanding cheques totalling £199.20 leaving a net balance of £152.84.  
9b.   Payments Due in January:  Two payments were due to Lalc (see item 6g)-
i)    £189.56 for the Annual Subscription 2025/26
ii)   £144.00 for the Annual Training Scheme 2025/26
Payments Agreed.
The Chairman proposed allowing £1300 for the purchase of 3 litter/dog bins and fittings (see item 5c).  All agreed.
9c.   Transfer of Funds: The Chairman proposed transferring £1500 from the deposit account to the current account to cover payments due.  All agreed.
9d.   Precept:  No additional items had been suggested since the previous meeting.  After discussing various options the Chairman proposed setting the precept at £9600 the same amount as last year resulting in a 9.7 per cent reduction in the Band D tax rate.  He asked members for comments.  All agreed.  The Clerk to return precept form to NKDC.  The Chairman would inform the internal auditor.
10.     Urgent Items for Information:  The Chairman reported we had received more correspondence from a resident regarding forming a Community Speed Watch Group.  It was noted they only had 4 volunteers and the requirement is 6.  It was also noted that permission has to be gained by the Parish Council from the owner of the pole the device is to be attached to.  Cllr Carrington stated in his experience a purpose built device would be better than a speed gun. 
11.    Date of Next Meeting:    The next meeting was scheduled for 7pm on Monday 17 February 2025 at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.10pm.