January 2019 Minutes

A meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Monday 14th January 2019 at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.

District Councillor Oxby and the Clerk were also present.


Councillor L.J. Pennell – Chairman

Councillor I.D. Carrington - Vice Chairman

Councillor H.L. Dowson

Councillor C.M. Griffin

Councillor M.T. Hales

Councillor R. Narborough

Councillor L. O’Melia

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest: Apologies had been received from District Cllr Herring and County Cllr Cawrey. There were no Declarations of Interest.

Police Report: No report received.

2. Clerk’s Notes from the Meeting on 17th December 2018: The notes from this meeting had been distributed to each member. The Chairman proposed the notes be accepted and approved as minutes for signing and this was unanimously agreed.

3. Matters Arising:

3a. Information Packs for New Residents: Nothing to report.

3b. Website: No update.

3c. Canwick Hill Speed Awareness Signs: The Chairman reported the sign with vegetation growing over it was in fact working. To be monitored.

3d. Water Bowser: The Clerk had received a prompt reply from Clare McMillan at Galliford Try following her complaint about the water bowser. No further activity had been seen on Hall Drive although Cllr Griffin complained about mud on the road from a tractor. To be monitored.

4. Planning:

4a. 16/1564/OUT – Canwick Heath Development: On-going.

4b. 17/1287/VARCON – Bomber Command Centre: On-going.

4c. 18/1455/TPO – The Grange, Grange Lane: Refused by NKDC. Cllr Carrington stated he had volunteered to assist the Tree Officer at NKDC but his services were not required.

4d. Items Notified since Publication of the Agenda: None.

5. Environment:

5a. Highways Issues: Cllr Narborough reported that there were still a large number of leaves at the bottom of School Lane. Cllr O’Melia stated this was also the case on the footpath on Canwick Hill from Hall Drive to Washingborough Road. The Clerk to contact Jenny Bailey at NKDC about both issues.

Cllr O’Melia stated that after reporting an oil spillage on Hall Drive to LCC Highways it was promptly cleaned up.

It was noted that the chippings on the footpaths of Hall Drive and Montagu Road were being regularly swept by Highways but the road surface was still deteriorating.

6. Correspondence:

6a. What’s On January 2019: Nothing received.

6b. NKDC – Funding and Networking Event: This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman asked if they knew of anyone who may be interested to give them details.

6c. NKDC – Private Sector Housing: This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman stated it was to ensure that properties were in a reasonable state of repair for private tenants.

6d. Lalc News: This had been e-mailed to members. There was nothing they wished to raise.

6e. Access Lincoln Newsletter: This had been e-mailed to members and noted. The Chairman stated a good job was being done with communication.

6f. Lincoln Transport Strategy Engagement Events: This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman reminded members of the dates if they wished to attend and the enclosed posters to be displayed in the Village Hall.

6g. British Red Cross First Aid Sessions: The Chairman suggested we put this on hold until we have the defibrillator fitted. The Clerk to put on next month’s agenda.

6h. Items Received since Publication of Agenda: None.

7. Four Parishes Cluster Group:

7a. Update: The Chairman reported the minutes from the previous meeting had been received and the next meeting is to be held at Canwick Village Hall on March 25th 2019. Cllr Carrington stated that in an effort to maximise money from developers for Primary Care he had prepared a paper which he hoped would help towards speeding things up. Councillors thanked him for his efforts.

8. Parish Plan Action Plan:

8a. Defibrillator: The Chairman reported he had spoken with Mike Brown, Secretary of the Village Hall Social Club, and organised an electrician for 4th February for installation of the defibrillator cabinet.

9. Finance:

9a. Bank Account Update: The Chairman reported that on 31st December 2018 the balance on the deposit account was £10,528.22 which included £8.82 new interest and the current account balance was £235.93.

9b. Public Works Loan: The Chairman confirmed the direct debit for £215.90 had been paid on 3rd December from the correct bank account.

9c. PCC Grant: The Chairman reported receipt of the grant cheque had been acknowledged with thanks from Geoff Willoughby, PCC Treasurer.

9d. Payments due in January: The Chairman stated he had purchased a printer toner cartridge for £28.50 from Ebay and asked to be recompensed. All agreed. He stated a new computer system will be purchased shortly after further research into different makes.

9e. Transfer of Funds: The Chairman proposed transferring £2500 from the deposit account to the current account. He proposed allowing £2000 for the defibrillator purchase and installation plus £500 for the annual hedge cut by Glendale which was due to be done in January. All agreed

9f. Annual Precept 2019/20: The Chairman presented members with various different scenarios for consideration. He then suggested settling the precept at £6000 for this year resulting in a 1.3% increase in the Band D tax rate. All agreed. Cllr Carrington thanked the Chairman for his efforts.

10. Urgent Items for Information: Cllr Oxby reported:

  • Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue has received a ‘Good’ report from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate for how effective it was at keeping people safe from fire and other risks.
  • Adult Social Care is to receive £3.7 Million each year for 2 years to help train and recruit an extra 240 Homecare Workers and to also progress E-Consultation, clinical support and assessments.
  • Community groups are being encouraged to sign up for free text alerts warning them of possible emergencies in their area.

Cllr O’Melia informed members about a fraud awareness website that alerts people to what frauds are on-going.

The Chairman informed members that a memorial service for Graham Harding was planned for 25th January at Branston Church.

11. Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 18th February 2019 starting at 7.30pm at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.35pm.