November 2019 Minutes

A meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Monday 18th November 2019 at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.

County Cllr Cawrey, District Cllr Tinsley and District Cllr Goodwin were also present.


Councillor L.J. Pennell – Chairman
Councillor I.D. Carrington – Vice Chairman and District Councillor
Councillor H.L. Dowson
Councillor C.M. Griffin
Councillor M.T. Hales
Councillor R.C. Narborough
Councillor L.T. O’Melia

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest: Cllr Dowson declared a non disclosable interest in item 4b as she was a neighbour of the applicant.

Police Report: A report had been received stating that during the period 21st October to 18th November 2019 there had been no recorded crime.

The Clerk was asked to contact Bracebridge Heath police station to enquire about the closure date.

2. Clerk’s Notes from the Meeting on 21st October 2019: The notes from this meeting had been distributed to each member. The Chairman proposed the notes be accepted and approved as minutes for signing and this was unanimously agreed.

3. Matters Arising:

3a. Information Packs for New Residents: Nothing new to report.

3b. Website: General Election documents to be posted.

4. Planning:

4a. 16/1564/OUT – Canwick Heath Development: No update.

4b. 19/1132/HOUS – Loft Conversion and Alterations to Front Elevation – Pantiles, Pelham Lane: On-going.

4c. Items Notified since Publication of the Agenda: None.

5. Environment:

5a. Highways Issues: The Clerk stated all issues raised at the last meeting had been reported to LCC Highways but as yet no updates had been received.

5b. Heighington Road: No update.

5c. Damaged Litter Bin: A request had been received from LCC to confirm in writing that we have the relevant insurance and that we are going to position the new bin safely and not obstruct the highway. Confirmation had been sent and a new bin is now to be ordered.

6. Correspondence:

6a. News NK: The Christmas edition had been cancelled due to the General Election. The Chairman asked members if they had anything they wished to submit for the next edition, to be distributed in January, to let the Clerk know.

6b. Christmas Refuse/Recycling Collection: This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman stated he will mention it at the next village Coffee Morning.

6c. LCC Highways News: This had been e-mailed to members. It was noted the new Eastern Bypass roundabout on the A15 Sleaford Road was now open. The Chairman confirmed Heighington Road was still on the gritting route.

6d. New Housing Development S.E. of Lincoln: This had been e-mailed to members and was noted.

6f. Items Received since Publication of Agenda: NKDC had forwarded a flooding update from the Environment Agency. Cllr Carrington wished to acknowledge an excellent job being done by the Environment Agency ground staff and the Internal Drainage Board who are working very long hours to deal with the situation.

An e-mail had been received from NKDC reference a Household Survey they are currently conducting to find out residents’ views on a variety of topics. Members were asked to promote to parishioners.

7. Four Parishes Cluster Group:

7a. Update: The Chairman reported there had been a meeting on the 28th October and gave brief details of matters covered. The next one was planned for March 18th 2020 at Branston Pavilion.

8. Finance:

8a. Bank Account Update: The Chairman reported that on 31st October 2019 the balance on the deposit account was £11,021.07 which included £9.23 new interest and the current account balance was £1057.95 with a cheque outstanding for £70.03 leaving a net balance of £987.92.

8b. Public Works Loan: A repayment of £210.17, which was £150 principal plus £60.17 interest, was due by direct debit on 2nd December 2019. Payment agreed. It was noted that we are halfway through the repayment schedule.

8c. Payments due in November: A payment of £70.03 was due to Glendale for grass cutting week ending 18th October 2019. Payment agreed.

8d. Transfer of Funds: The Chairman proposed transferring £300 from the deposit account to the current account to cover the payments due. All agreed.

8e. Precept: The Chairman asked members to give some thought to the precept as we would soon be receiving correspondence on the matter. Cllr Carrington thought we may need to consider spending money on grass cutting particularly the cycle/foot path from the junction of Montagu/Road and Heighington Road along to Mill Lodge on the B1188 which he thought had only been cut the obligatory two times this year making it difficult for cyclists and walkers.

The Clerk to establish who cuts it and how often and report back.

9. Urgent Items for Information: Cllr Cawrey informed members she had received several complaints about the new road layout at the Canwick Hill/Mill Lodge junction as it was proving to be confusing and dangerous. She had referred the matter to John Monk at LCC and read members his response. It was noted there will be a road safety audit on the junction as soon as it is complete. The Chairman thanked her for the report.

Cllr Cawrey reported St. John’s Road at Bracebridge Heath was to be re-surfaced the following week.

Cllr Tinsley enquired if there had been any local occurrences with fireworks. Members did not know of any.

Cllr Carrington stated all District Councils and the County Council were working together on the flood issues as a solution needed to be reached. It was noted there had been 3 such events in the last 15 years and they were becoming more frequent.

Cllr O’Melia enquired if a survey had been done about how many properties had been built on a flood plain. Cllr Carrington replied that although an issue it is not the reason for the present problem at Heighington through to Scopwick.

Cllr Narborough enquired if the polling station for the General Election could be located in the bar instead of the main hall.

The Chairman stated we have no say in the matter as it is NKDC Electoral Services that make the decision on the rooms.

Cllr Narborough stated the Social Club would like to dispose of the filing cabinets donated to them by the Parish Council several years ago. The Chairman replied that he would speak with Mike Brown, the Social Club secretary.

10. Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 16th December 2019 starting at 7.30pm at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.17pm.