February 2019 Minutes

A meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Monday 18th February 2019 at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.

District Councillor Oxby and the Clerk were also present.


Councillor L.J. Pennell – Chairman

Councillor I.D. Carrington - Vice Chairman and District Councillor

Councillor C.M. Griffin

Councillor M.T. Hales

Councillor R. Narborough

Councillor L. O’Melia

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest: Apologies had been received from Cllr Dowson, District Cllr Herring and County Cllr Cawrey. There were no Declarations of Interest.

Police Report: A report had been received stating that during the period 19th January to 18th February 2019 there had been no recorded crime.

2. Clerk’s Notes from the Meeting on 14th January 2019: The notes from this meeting had been distributed to each member. The Chairman proposed the notes be accepted and approved as minutes for signing and this was unanimously agreed.

3. Matters Arising:

3a. Information Packs for New Residents: Nothing to report.

3b. Website: No update.

3c. Water Bowser: It was noted there was still activity with the water hydrants from Galliford Try around the village but no further damage to the grass verges. The Chairman stated this was a good prompt result following our complaint.

4. Planning:

4a. 16/1564/OUT – Canwick Heath Development: On-going.

4b. 19/0018/RESM – Land off Canwick Avenue and Westminster Drive, Bracebridge Heath: This had been emailed to members. The Chairman asked if they had any comments on the application. It was agreed the style does not complement the adjacent estate and it needs to be properly integrated into the SUE as there are no plans for recreation space, cyclepaths, etc. The Clerk to respond accordingly.

4c. 17/1287/VARCON – Bomber Command Centre: On-going.

4d. Items Notified since Publication of the Agenda: None.

5. Environment:

5a. Highways Issues: Cllr Hales reported that the hedge had been cut around the playing field but the cuttings had not been cleared away from Heighington Road and Branston Road by the contractor. Following a complaint from a parishioner the Clerk contacted Glendale and the matter was resolved promptly.

Cllr Narborough stated that the drains on School Lane were full of leaves. Cllr Hales stated that most of the drains around the village were the same. The Clerk to report to LCC Highways.

5b. Washingborough Road and Footpath: The Chairman read members an e-mail received from Washingborough Parish Council asking for our support with their request to LCC Highways to widen the road and to install a proper footpath from the railway bridge to the Crematorium. After discussion it was agreed to strongly support the request.

5c. Lincoln Transport Strategy: The Chairman informed members two further drop in sessions were to be held, one on the 25th February at Welton Village Hall and the other on 27th February at Waddington Community Hub. It was noted an online survey was on-going until 1st March asking for peoples views.

6. Correspondence:

6a. What’s On February 2019: Nothing received.

6b. LCC – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman gave a brief explanation and asked if anyone wished to comment. There was nothing they wished to raise.

6c. National Citizens Service: This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman asked members if they knew of any organisation it could benefit to pass the details on.

6d. Scope: This had been e-mailed to members. After discussion it was agreed there was no requirement for a recycling bank in the village. The Clerk to reply accordingly.

6e. Parish Map: The Chairman read members an e-mail received from an online company producing the maps. Noted.

6f. Buckingham Palace Garden Party: The Chairman read members an e-mail received from Lalc. Noted.

6g. British Red Cross First Aid Sessions: The Chairman suggested we try and incorporate this with one of the Friday Coffee Mornings. All agreed.

6h. Access Lincoln Newsletter: This had been e-mailed to members and was noted.

6i NKDC – Mobile Phone Coverage Survey: This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman suggested that they reply as individuals and reminded them that the closing date was 27th February.

6j NKDC – Republication of Register of Electors: The Chairman asked members to confirm they had received their new copy. All confirmed. It was noted there were no ward boundary changes in our area.

6k. Elections – May 2019: The Chairman reminded members that there were District and Parish elections on 2nd May 2019. He then read details of the briefing received and suggested that if members are content he will collect the packs from NKDC and deliver to them. All agreed.

6l. VAT – Lalc Invoices Update: The Chairman read members an e-mail received from Lalc. Noted.

6m. Items Received since Publication of Agenda: None.

7. Four Parishes Cluster Group:

7a. Update: The Chairman stated we are hosting the next meeting on 25th March 2019 and asked members if they had any agenda items to forward them either to himself or the Clerk.

8. Parish Plan Action Plan:

8a. Defibrillator: The Chairman stated this was now in place outside the Village Hall and thanked Cllr Narborough for putting the cabinet up. Cllr Carrington wished to record thanks to the Chairman for his time and effort in sorting out the most suitable package. The Chairman suggested putting some photographs in the Sheepwash Times. All agreed.

The Chairman proposed we investigate the possibility of purchasing a second defibrillator for by the church and also some speed awareness signs for when Heighington Road reopens later in the year. All agreed.

9. Provisional Meeting Calendar: This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman asked members if they were content with the dates. All content. The Clerk to liaise with Di Vaughan, the Village Hall bookings secretary, for room availability.

10. Finance:

10a. Bank Account Update: The Chairman reported that on 31st January 2019 the balance on the deposit account was £8037.13 which included £8.91 new interest and the current account balance was £2707.42 with a £1560 cheque outstanding for the defibrillator and cabinet leaving a net balance of £1147.42.

10b. Payments due in February: A payment of £65 was due to Oli Marsh for the electrical work involved with the defibrillator installation. A payment of £26.30 was also due to Heighington Parish Council for planning training received in October 2018. Payments agreed. It was noted that as the playing field hedge had now been cut we would shortly be receiving an invoice and the Chairman asked members for authority to pay this and also to transfer the necessary funds for the purchase of the new computer and printer. All agreed.

10c. Transfer of Funds: None.

10d. Annual Precept 2019/20: The Chairman confirmed that the request for the precept had been sent.

11. Urgent Items for Information: Cllr Oxby reported:

  • Additional funds are to be received from the Government making the use of reserves lower than expected.
  • The flagship joint Fire, Police and Ambulance station is due to open this autumn making it the first operational hub between the three services in the country. It was noted the building will cost less to run than the current police station on West Parade.
  • Ambitious plans for the Heritage Services are being planned to include the creation of two ‘super sites’, Lincoln Castle and the Collection Museum. Also alternative use for the Usher Art Gallery is to be explored and Gainsborough Old Hall is to be returned to its owner, English Heritage, when the lease runs out in 2020.

The Chairman stated an e-mail had been received from CPRE with an invitation to enter the Best Kept Village Competition.

After discussion it was agreed by all that with the on-going roadworks this would not be the best time to enter.

12. Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 18th March 2019 starting at 7.30pm at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.25pm.