December 2020 Minutes

A meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Monday 21st December 2020 by Video Conferencing.

County Cllr Cawrey, District Cllr Tinsley, one Parishioner and the Clerk were also present.


Councillor L.J. Pennell – Chairman

Councillor I.D. Carrington – Vice-Chairman and District Councillor

Councillor H.L. Dowson

Councillor R.C. Narborough

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest: Apologies had been received from Cllr Griffin, Cllr O’Melia and District Cllr Goodwin. The Chairman and Cllr Narborough both declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 4d as they live next door to the plot. They stated if there was to be any discussion on the item they would leave the meeting. Cllr Carrington stated as a District Councillor he would not be able to give an opinion on Items 4a and 4c. The Chairman reminded members they could make the appropriate declaration at any stage should it become necessary.

2. Clerk’s Notes from the Meeting on 16th November 2020: The notes from this meeting had been distributed to each member. The Chairman proposed the notes be accepted and approved as minutes for signing and this was unanimously agreed.

3. Matters Arising:

3a. Information Packs for New Residents: Cllr Narborough confirmed he had issued a pack to a new resident in Sunnyholme.

3b. Grants: The Chairman stated a £1000 cheque had been sent to Andrew Ditcher, Chairman of the Social Club and a £750 cheque sent to the Treasurer of the PCC as agreed last month.

3c. Website: The Chairman stated we are in the process of populating the new website as the old one is due to be switched off at the end of the year.

4. Planning: The Chairman reminded members that all District Councillors present could not express an opinion on any of the planning items.

The meeting came out of formal session.

The Chairman asked the parishioner if she would like to speak and she raised concerns over the parishioners’ objections for the ‘Danum’ planning application on the NKDC Planning Portal as she thought they were not all showing when they had been submitted. This was beyond the Parish Council's remit and was for NKDC staffs to address. It was noted that the application had been called in to a NKDC Planning Committee meeting, date as yet to be confirmed. The Chairman outlined the planning committee meeting procedure to the parishioner, including how many registered speakers would be allowed.

The meeting went back to formal session.

4a. 16/1564/OUT – Canwick Heath Development: The Chairman stated we were still awaiting confirmation of the date for the NKDC Planning Committee meeting.

4b. 20/0654/FUL – Demolition of Bungalow and Erection of 2 Detached Dwellings – Danum, Grange Lane: See above.

4c. 20/0057/OUT – Land off Sleaford Road Bracebridge Heath: The Chairman stated we were still awaiting confirmation of the date for the NKDC Planning Committee meeting.

4d. 19/0806/FUL – Erection of Dwelling and Formation of New Access – Land off School Lane: Refused by NKDC.

4e. 20/0579/HOUS - The Hollies, Hall Drive: The Chairman reported that the Inspector’s decision on the appeal was to allow the application.

4f. 20/1341/HOUS – Demolition of Porch, Single Storey Rear Extension and Conversion of Outbuilding – Ivy Cottage, Grange Lane: Passed by NKDC.

4g. SEQ Design Code Consultation: The Chairman reported that the Consultation had progressed as far as the Executive Board where it had been endorsed. It now has to go to the full NKDC Council meeting to be adopted. Cllr Carrington stated he was pleased with where we were at present with the Consultation. Cllr Tinsley endorsed this.

4h. Items Notified since Publication of the Agenda: None.

5. Environment:

5a. Highways Issues: Cllr Cawrey wished to report success with the opening of the Eastern Bypass the previous weekend. It was noted £110 million had been promised from Central Government, towards the North Hykeham Relief Road.

Cllr Narborough reported the light on the ‘No Entry’ sign on School Lane had been repaired and thanked the Clerk for her efforts.

It was noted the road sweeper had been round the village again.

Cllr Cawrey stated there had been no update on the bus shelter cleaning.

The Chairman stated he had spoken with Jenny Bailey at NKDC reference the re-siting of the litter bin on Canwick Hill to the Hall Drive junction and it was thought to be a suitable location. He asked Cllr Cawrey if she would be able to support the project with Highways. Cllr Cawrey replied if we put the details in an e-mail to her, she will support it and then we can forward to Highways. Clerk to do.

5b. NKDC – Tree Strategy Consultation: The Chairman asked members if they had any comments. There were no comments and the Chairman stated we will co-ordinate and submit a response.

6. Correspondence:

6a. NKDC Parish Council Updates: This had been e-mailed to members. It was noted they are not as frequent but have very useful information in them.

6b. Electoral Register: This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman asked members to contact the Clerk if they required the password to open it.

6c. Census 2021: The Chairman stated this will mainly be done online this time but we may be asked to encourage people to respond.

6d. Lincolnshire PCC - Guest Speaker Offer: The Chairman stated we had received an offer from Marc Jones, Police and Crime Commissioner, to speak at a Parish Council meeting if we could arrange a suitable date. The Clerk to keep on file.

6e. Police Newsletter: Nothing received.

6f. NKDC – Cycling Infrastructure Survey: This had been e-mailed to members. It was noted that only one response can be made by the Parish Council. The Chairman asked members to look at the questions and pass on any comments to himself or the Clerk so a response can be agreed next month. Cllr Carrington stated it is a very important matter, the aim being for a more linked up cycle network. The Chairman suggested pushing for a cycle connection between Canwick and Bracebridge Heath. To be completed at the next meeting.

6g. Lincs Schools Admissions Policy: This had been e-mailed to members. It was noted none of the schools are in our area.

6h. Items Received Since Publication of Agenda: None.

7. Four Parishes Cluster Group:

7a. Update: Meetings remain on hold. The Chairman reported Branston Parish Council is advertising for a new Clerk.

8. County and District Councillor Reports: A report from Cllr Tinsley had been forwarded to members. The Chairman thanked him for the report. Cllr Tinsley also reported that the NKDC Coronavirus package of aid to help residents and businesses had been very successful.

Cllr Cawrey reported that Lincs Fire and Rescue were diverting their resources to supporting the community. It was noted an extra mortuary resource was available at Woodhall Spa.

The Chairman asked how many of the local GP surgeries were involved in the vaccination programme. It was noted the Cliff Villages Surgeries group were actively involved and a mass vaccination day had been held the previous Saturday.

9. Finance:

9a. Bank Account Update: The Chairman reported that on 30th November 2020 the balance on the deposit account was £13,178.84 which included £5.57 new interest. The transfer of £2,000 as agreed at last month’s meeting had since been actioned leaving a net balance of £11,178.84. It was noted the interest rate on the account is to be reduced from 7th February 2021. The current account balance on 30th November was £464.91 with several transactions since, leaving a net balance of £550.47. The Chairman had spoken to the bank about the £5 monthly charge that had been applied without matching refunds for several months during the Covid-19 pandemic; they had now refunded £50 back into the account. The account had also been changed to one with zero charges.

9b. Public Works Loan: The Chairman confirmed the Direct Debit for £204.44 was taken from the bank account on 2nd December 2020.

9c. Clerk’s Salary Oct – Dec: The Clerk’s salary for the period October – December 2020 totalling £375.84 was due for payment. Payment agreed.

9d. Payments due in December: See 9c. A payment of £529.50 was due to Glendale for the annual hedge cutting around the playing field. Payment agreed.

9e. Transfer of Funds: The Chairman proposed transferring £900 from the deposit account to the current account to cover the payments due. All agreed.

9f. Precept: No additional items had been suggested since the previous meeting. The Chairman presented members with various different scenarios for consideration. It was noted that changes in the Tax Base would lead to a reduction of £173.22p in the Precept received if the Band D rate remained unchanged. He suggested setting an unchanged Precept of £6100 once again, resulting in a 2.93% increase in the Band D tax rate and asked members for comments. Agreed unanimously. The Chairman would brief the Internal Auditor.

10. Urgent Items for Information: The Chairman reminded members if they hear of anyone who may need assistance at the current time to let himself or the Clerk know.

11. Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 18st January 2021 starting at 7.00pm by Video Conferencing.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.10pm