February 2020 Minutes

A meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Monday 17th February 2020 at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.

District Cllr Tinsley, one resident (Graham Wallis) and the Clerk were also present.


Councillor L.J. Pennell – Chairman

Councillor I.D. Carrington – Vice Chairman and District Councillor

Councillor H.L. Dowson

Councillor C.M. Griffin

Councillor R.C. Narborough

Councillor L.T. O’Melia

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest: Apologies had been received from County Cllr Cawrey, District Cllr Goodwin and Cllr Hales. There were no Declarations of Interest. The Chairman reminded members they could make theappropriate declaration at any stage should it become necessary.

2. Clerk’s Notes from the Meeting on 20th January 2020: The notes from this meeting had been distributed to each member. The Chairman proposed the notes be accepted and approved as minutes for signing and this was unanimously agreed.

3. Matters Arising:

3a. Information Packs for New Residents: Cllr Narborough reported he had delivered a pack to new residents in Grange Cottage.

3b. Provisional Meeting Calendar: The Chairman asked members present if they had any concerns with the Calendar. All content. The Clerk reported that Di Vaughan, the village hall Booking Secretary, had confirmed availability of the room for all the dates. The Clerk to confirm the Calendar and e-mail to Cllr Narborough to print and laminate a copy for the Notice Board.

3c. Website: The Chairman informed members that he and the Clerk were attending a training session for the new website on 27th March.

3d. Boundary Commission Review: The Chairman stated NKDC will remain with 43 Councillors. We presently have 3 District Councillors to represent Washingborough, Heighington and ourselves. He asked members for their views and all were content with the present arrangement. The District Councillors present were then asked for their views. Cllr Tinsley and Cllr Carrington both felt it important that every Parish should express their view. The Chairman stated he is aware that small Parishes could be used to make up numbers from elsewhere. The Clerk to respond accordingly.

The Chairman asked Graham Wallis if there was a particular item he wished to discuss and he replied that he wished to complain about the bus stops on Canwick Hill being suspended while the temporary traffic lights are on Heighington Road/Canwick Hill. The Clerk to report to LCC Highways. Cllr Carrington stated he will ask Cllr Cawrey to take the matter up with Highways.

4. Planning: The Chairman reminded members that all District Councillors present could not express an opinion on any of the planning items.

4a. 16/1564/OUT – Canwick Heath Development: Cllr Carrington stated these were revised plans from 2016. The Chairman stated they would probably come before the Planning Committee in the summer.

4b. 19/1132/HOUS – Loft Conversion and Alterations to Front Elevation – Pantiles, Pelham Lane: Passed by NKDC. Cllr Dowson wished to record thanks to the Parish Council for their support with the matter.

4c. 20/0057/OUT – Land off Sleaford Road Bracebridge Heath: This had been e-mailed to members. Cllr Carrington stated the SUE hooks all the way round to Bracebridge Heath, behind the industrial estate and going up to the Eastern Bypass. The Clerk had been granted an extension for the submission of comments. The Chairman asked members if they had any comments to let the Clerk have them in the next couple of days.

4d. 19/1656/HOUS – Alterations and Extension - Ivy Cottage, Grange Lane: Revised plans had been submitted and it was noted the Conservation Officer no longer objected. The Chairman stated we had not submitted any further comments and asked members for their views. All were content.

4e. 20/0081/HOUS – The Hollies, Hall Drive: The Chairman asked members for their views on the fence. After discussion it was noted there were mixed views but overall no objections. The Clerk to reply accordingly.

4f. Items Notified since Publication of the Agenda: None.

5. Environment:

5a. Highways Issues: The Chairman stated the time is to be confirmed for the Highways Ward Walk on 9th March with Cllr Davies, the Portfolio Holder for Highways and we had submitted a list of topics for discussion.

5b. Heighington Road: The Chairman read members an email received from Cllr Cawrey stating that after her intervention Western Power were going to put a temporary stop on their works through Bracebridge Heath and down Cross O’Cliff Hill to ease pressure on the network while the traffic lights are being trialled at the Heighington Road/Canwick Hill junction. Cllr O’Melia stated he felt there will be a massive problem with the extra traffic on Hall Drive especially where it narrows.

5c. Grass Cutting/Glendale Quotation: The Chairman read members details of the Grounds Maintenance Quotation for the coming year. It was noted there was a nominal increase. The Chairman proposed we accept the quotation. All agreed.

6. Correspondence:

6a. NK Community Sport Team: This had been e-mailed to members and was noted.

6b. Parish Event Intel for News NK: This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman asked members if they had any events they wished to be promoted to give the Clerk details.

6c. Neighbourhood Alert: This had been e-mailed to members. It was noted this is a monthly newsletter being received after the Clerk subscribed to Lincolnshire Police Alert. After discussion it was decided the Clerk would only forward it to members if relevant.

6d. Environment Wardens: The Chairman had notified NKDC that we do not employ a warden.

6e. Police Report: This had been e-mailed to members and was noted. The Clerk reported she had enquired about a local team poster for the Notice Board and one is to be published when a replacement is secured fro PC Hanson. Cllr Narborough stated he will amend his new residents packs accordingly.

6f. Arthritis Action: This had been e-mailed to members and was noted. Cllr Narborough to print a colour copy of attached poster for display in the Village Hall.

6g. Items Received since Publication of Agenda: An e-mail had been received from Cllr Davies reference the Lincoln Transport Summary Document. Cllr Carrington stated one of the things it does elevate is sustainable transport in particular safe cycling which he felt was an important move. The Clerk to put on next month’s agenda.

7. Four Parishes Cluster Group:

7a. Update: The Chairman stated the next meeting is to be held on the 18th March and asked members if there was any topic they would like to be put on the agenda.

8. Finance:

8a. Bank Account Update: The Chairman reported that on 31st January 2020 the balance on the deposit account was £9297.43 which included £8.13 new interest and the current account balance was £1907.73. It was noted that although the cheque for the Clerk’s salary had been credited to her account on the 19th December it still had not been debited from the bank account. To be monitored. It was also noted the £5 bank charges that had been debited had been refunded.

8b. Payments due in February: None.

8c. Transfer of Funds: None.

8d. Precept: The Chairman confirmed the necessary form had been sent to NKDC and the precept is due to be paid in early April 2020.

9. Urgent Items for Information: Cllr Tinsley reported:

  • NK 2020 Community Champions nominations close on 29th May.
  • A motion had been proposed to reduce the noise and disturbance caused by fireworks which had been referred to a Scrutiny panel for further consideration.

Cllr Carrington reported that Cllr Cawrey had stepped down as NKDC Deputy Leader due to other commitments and he had been appointed as her successor.

Cllr O’Melia stated there is an increase in dog fouling on Grange Lane and Heighington Road. The Clerk to request some posters from NKDC for display in the area.

Cllr O’Melia stated there are a large number of e-mail scams about at the moment and suggested that it be mentioned at the next Village Hall Coffee Morning.

Cllr Griffin asked about the possibility of a cycle path on Heighington Road. The Chairman suggested we mention it at the Parish Walk. Cllr Carrington stated an integrated network of cycle paths is in the planning for the future.

Cllr Carrington stated a village resident, Wendy Walden, should be commended for the huge amount of good work around the village that she does.

10. Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 16th March 2020 starting at 7.30pm at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.48pm.