March 2021 Minutes

A meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Monday 15th March 2021 by Video Conferencing.

District Cllr Tinsley, County Cllr Cawrey and the Clerk were also present.


Councillor L.J. Pennell – Chairman
Councillor I.D. Carrington – Vice-Chairman and District Councillor
Councillor H.L. Dowson
Councillor R.C. Narborough

1.  Apologies and Declarations of Interest:  Apologies had been received from Cllr Griffin, Cllr O’Melia and District Cllr Goodwin.  Cllr Carrington stated as a District Councillor he would not be able to give an opinion on Items 4a and 4b.  The Chairman reminded members they could make the appropriate declaration at any stage should it become necessary.

2.  Clerk’s Notes from the Meeting on 15th February 2021:  The notes from this meeting had been distributed to each member.  The Chairman proposed the notes be accepted and approved as minutes for signing and this was unanimously agreed.

3.  Matters Arising:

3a.  Information Packs for New Residents:  Cllr Narborough confirmed he had delivered a pack to The Fables on Heighington Road.  Cllr Dowson reported new residents in Glebe End although Cllr Narborough thought they had not yet moved in.  To be monitored.

3b.  Website:  On-going.

4.  Planning:    The Chairman reminded members that all District Councillors present could not express an opinion on any of the planning items. 

4a.  16/1564/OUT – Canwick Heath Development:  The Chairman stated we were still awaiting confirmation of the date for the NKDC Planning Committee meeting. 

4b.  20/0057/OUT – Land off Sleaford Road Bracebridge Heath:  The Chairman stated we were still awaiting confirmation of the date for the NKDC Planning Committee meeting. He confirmed that we had submitted comments on the amended details as agreed.

4c.  SEQ Design Code Consultation:  The Chairman informed members this had now been adopted by NKDC as it did not need to go to a full Council meeting.

4d.  Items Notified since Publication of the Agenda:  None.

5.  Environment:

5a.  Highways Issues:  Cllr Dowson stated that the path between Glebe End and Heighington Road had become very narrow due to an overgrown hedge.  Cllr Cawrey says the landowner is responsible for cutting the hedge back so they should be approached in the first instance.

Cllr Narborough stated the bushes at the corner of Montagu Road and Heighington Road had also grown over the pathway. The homeowner to be informed.

Cllr Carrington stated in his experience LCC ‘Fix my Street’ had vastly improved over the past year.  Cllr Cawrey stated it is not perfect but generally working well.

6.  Correspondence:

6a.  NKDC Parish Council Updates:  These had been e-mailed to members.  The Chairman stated they are still very useful.

6b.  EA Routine Maintenance:  This had been e-mailed to members and was noted. 

6c.  Highways News:  This had been e-mailed to members.  Cllr Cawrey stated Pelham Bridge is to be closed for structural repair for several weeks.  Cllr Cawrey reported that she had walked around the village with an LCC Highways Official the previous week and had pointed out the problem with the springs on Hall Drive. It was ultimately decided it was the homeowner’s responsibility but it was felt any work done could just move the problem elsewhere. The possibility of gullying the water was mentioned.  Cllr Carrington stated he thought this would be the best action.  Cllr Cawrey stated there is a dip in the road which is to be investigated.  The Chairman suggested we monitor the situation as it is not clear what the best way forward is.

6d.  Police Newsletter:  This had been e-mailed to members and was noted. 

6e.  Items Received since Publication of Agenda:  None.

7.  Four Parishes Cluster Group:

7a.  Update:  No update.

8.  County and District Councillor Reports:  Cllr Cawrey updated members on the LCC budget which had resulted in a 1.99% increase in council tax. It was noted 45 million pounds of Covid-19 support payments had been received from the government. A 40 million pound investment in Superfast Broadband was still going ahead.  Cllr Cawrey also reported the government had agreed to provide 110 million pounds to fund the Hykeham Relief Road with 70 million also being provided by LCC.  Work on this was expected to start in approximately 5 years.

The Chairman asked members if they had any questions for Cllr Cawrey.  No questions asked.

A report from Cllr Tinsley had been forwarded to members. The Chairman thanked Cllr Tinsley for the report.

Cllr Tinsley stated NKDC had released a 30 minute video covering the NK Plan 2021-24 which was well worth a watch.

Cllr Carrington endorsed Cllr Tinsley’s report and stated NKDC were in good shape financially and had been careful with the Council Tax increase.

9.  Provisional Meeting Calendar:  No issues were found.  The Clerk to finalise and Cllr Narborough will print and laminate copies for display.  The Chairman stated the regulations for remote meetings expire in early May and have not yet been renewed.  Cllr Carrington suggested we need to be incredibly cautious about returning to the Village Hall.

10.  Finance:   

10a.  Bank Account Update:  The Chairman reported that on 28th February 2021 the balance on the deposit account was £10.293.20 which included £4.31 new interest.  The current account balance remained unchanged at £550.13.

10b.  Clerk’s Salary:  This had been e-mailed to members.  The Clerk’s salary for the period January - March 2020 totalling £375.84 was due for payment.  Payment agreed.

10c.  Payments due in March:  See 10b.  As agreed last month two invoices were due to Lalc on the 1st April 2021, the first the annual subscription of £141.53 and the second the annual training fee of £102. 

10d.  Transfer of Funds:  The Chairman proposed transferring £600 from the deposit account to the current account to cover the payments due.  All agreed.

11.  Urgent Items for Information:  The Chairman stated that the elections were going ahead on 6th May and reminded members if they required a postal vote to request it as soon as possible.

The Chairman informed members that the Zoom subscription expires on 22nd April and Lalc are taking expressions of interest in renewing it. The more that subscribed the less cost it would be.  It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Lalc with an expression of interest.  The Chairman then asked for clearance to pay up to £125 for the renewal should it become due before the next meeting.  All agreed.  Cllr Carrington stated an excellent discount was obtained last year.

The Chairman stated Cllr Hales resignation had been reported to NKDC and the ‘Notice of Vacancy’ advertised on the Notice Board for the requisite period.  NKDC had now advised there is to be no election so we can move to co-option.  He asked members if they knew of anyone local that might be interested to let himself or the Clerk know.

12.  Date of Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 19th April 2021 starting at 7.00pm by Video Conferencing.  To be followed by the Annual Parish Meeting - start time to be confirmed.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.55pm.