April 2021 Minutes

A meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Monday 19th April 2021 by Video Conferencing.   County Cllr Cawrey and the Clerk were also present.

Councillor L.J. Pennell – Chairman
Councillor I.D. Carrington – Vice-Chairman and District Councillor
Councillor H.L. Dowson
Councillor R.C. Narborough
Councillor L.T. O’Melia

The Chairman paid tribute to the Duke of Edinburgh and affirmed our thoughts are with the Queen and the Royal Family.

1.  Apologies and Declarations of Interest:  Apologies had been received from Cllr Griffin, District Cllr Tinsley and District Cllr Goodwin.  Cllr Carrington stated as a District Councillor he would not be able to give an opinion on Items 4a and 4b.

The Chairman reminded members they could make the appropriate declaration at any stage should it become necessary.

2.  Clerk’s Notes from the Meeting on 15th March 2021:  The notes from this meeting had been distributed to each member.  The Chairman proposed the notes be accepted and approved as minutes for signing and this was unanimously agreed.

3.  Matters Arising:

3a.  Information Packs for New Residents:  Cllr Narborough confirmed he had delivered a pack to Rivendell on Glebe End. 

3b.  Website:  The Chairman reported that LCC had notified of difficulties with the website after an update but this had now been resolved and we were continuing to populate it.

4.  Planning:    The Chairman reminded members that all District Councillors present could not express an opinion on any of the planning items. 

4a.  16/1564/OUT – Canwick Heath Development:  The Chairman stated we were still awaiting confirmation of the date for the NKDC Planning Committee meeting. 

4b.  20/0057/OUT – Land off Sleaford Road Bracebridge Heath:  The Chairman stated we were still awaiting confirmation of the date for the NKDC Planning Committee meeting.

4c.  Items Notified since Publication of the Agenda:  The Chairman reported he had received notification that the developers on the ‘Land off Westminster Drive development at Bracebridge Heath’ were paying all the £100,000 allocated for cycle ways at the first phase of development and not dividing it between the two phases.

5.  Environment:

5a.  Highways Issues:  Cllr Carrington stated he had reported the reactive sign on Canwick Hill not working, due to overgrown hedges covering it, to LCC ‘Fix my Street’ and the issue had now been resolved.

The Chairman reported a group of parishioners had litter picked on Canwick Hill and he had organised collection of the black bags with Nina Camm at NKDC.

Cllr O’Melia stated lorries were mounting the footpath at the junction of Heighington Road and Canwick Hill which could prove to be extremely dangerous. To be monitored as it was thought there would be fewer lorries using the road now the Eastern Bypass works were coming to an end.

5b.  Road Closure: It was noted Heighington Road was going to be closed on an ‘as and when required’ basis during the period 3rd May 2021 to 14th May 2021 for Eastern Bypass works.

It was also noted that Pelham Bridge is to close for nine weeks in the summer for essential works.

6.  Correspondence:

6a.  NKDC Parish Council Updates:  These had been e-mailed to members.  The Chairman stated they are less frequent but still very useful.

6b.  Lalc News:  This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman asked if there were any points they wished to raise.  Nothing raised. 

6c.  May Elections:  The Chairman confirmed that the relevant posters had been displayed.

6d.  Lincolnshire Police Campaign – Safer Driving:  This had been e-mailed to members and was noted. 

6e.  Councillor Tinsley – Change of Address:  This had been e-mailed to members and was noted.

6f.  School House, Canwick:  This had been e-mailed to members.  With input from Cllr Narborough and a parishioner the Clerk had responded to the gentleman with some relevant information.

6g.  Police Newsletter:  This had been e-mailed to members.  Cllr Narborough reported he had printed, laminated and displayed a poster of the local Police Team.

6h.  Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Plan:  This had been e-mailed to members.  The Chairman stated they are now in the Public Consultation phase and asked members if they had any comments to let himself or the Clerk know so we can co-ordinate a response.

6i.  Farewell – Councillor Oxby:  This had been e-mailed to members.  The Chairman proposed that although he had not been our County Councillor for the past four years we send him thanks from the Parish Council for his past help and wish him well in his retirement.  All agreed.

6j.  Remote Meetings/Annual Meeting:  The Chairman stated the legislation to hold remote meetings currently expires on 6th May.  The Parish Council Zoom subscription expires on 22nd April and we are currently awaiting details for renewal as agreed at the last meeting. If we are to hold an Annual Meeting remotely it would need to be held on 4th, 5th or 6th May. 

We would await a decision on the legislation.  However, it was agreed that if the legislation allowing remote meetings was not to be renewed or extended, the Annual Meeting should be brought forward to either 4th or 5th May, and held remotely, as it was not clear if a suitable venue would be available to hold an “in person” meeting in compliance with the Social Distancing regulations on the scheduled date.

6k.  Items Received since Publication of Agenda:  An e-mail had been received from NKDC and forwarded to members informing that 1 and 2 Pelham Lane had merged as one property and would now be known as 1 Pelham Lane.  Noted.

An e-mail had been received from NKDC and forwarded to members stating that Branston and Mere are now in the Public Consultation phase of their Neighbourhood Plan.  The Chairman asked members if they had any comments to let himself or the Clerk know so we can co-ordinate a response.

7.  Four Parishes Cluster Group:

7a.  Update:  No update.

8.  County and District Councillor Reports:  No County Council report.
Cllr Carrington stated the upcoming elections are proving very challenging for NKDC.  He also reported NKDC are distributing more Covid19 grant money for business support.

9.  Finance:

9a.  Bank Account Update:  The Chairman reported that on 31st March 2021 the balance on the deposit account was £9695.57 which included £2.37 new interest.  The current account balance was £774.29.

9b.  Public Works Loan - June:  A payment of £201.57 was due on 2nd June.  Payment agreed.

9c.  Payments due in April:  A payment of £74.29 was due to Glendale for grass cutting week ending 19th March 2021. Payment agreed.  The Chairman sought reimbursement for the purchase of a laptop, at a cost of just under £500, in view of the possibility of hybrid meetings in the Village Hall.  Payment agreed.  The Zoom subscription for the year had been confirmed at £119.90 and we were awaiting an invoice.  

Payment agreed on receipt of the invoice.  It was noted the printer was not working and would need replacing.

As it was unclear when we would be able to hold our next meeting, the Chairman proposed that the Clerk be given delegated authority to arrange for anticipated bills, such as insurance, up to 2 grass cuttings per month, Public Works Loan, Clerk’s Salary, and any necessary deposits for a meeting venue to be paid in the interim.  In each case the Chairman was to be informed in advance, and the payments were to be reported at the next full meeting.  All agreed.

9d.  Transfer of Funds:  The Chairman proposed transferring £2000 from the deposit account to the current account to cover the known and anticipated payments due until the end of June.  All agreed.  It was also agreed that the Clerk be given delegated authority to arrange for appropriate funds transfers beyond the end of June to pay bills becoming due as described above.

9e.  Audit:  The Chairman stated we had received the relevant paperwork from PKF Littlejohn and we are to have a standard audit.  He confirmed we were well within the £25,000 threshold to declare ourselves exempt as a smaller authority.

10.  Urgent Items for Information:  None.

11.  Date of Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 17th May 2021 starting at 7.00pm, subject to legislation and Social Distancing regulations.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.45pm.