May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

From:  Canwick Parish Council Clerk
All Canwick Parish Councillors
District Councillors, I. Carrington, C. Goodwin and G. Tinsley
County Councillor L. Cawrey
Police Office North Hykeham
Notice Board
Website (

9 Branston Road Heighington Lincoln LN4 1QQ
Tel: (01522) 851265

The Annual meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Tuesday 4th May by Video Conferencing. The Clerk was also present.


Councillor L.J. Pennell – Chairman

Councillor I.D. Carrington - Vice Chairman and District Councillor

Councillor H.L. Dowson

Councillor R.C. Narborough

The Chairman explained to members the meeting had been called at short notice as the regulations for remote meetings expire on 6th May 2021.

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest:

Apologies had been received from Cllr Griffin, Cllr O’Melia, County Cllr Cawrey, District Cllr Tinsley and District Cllr Goodwin. There were no Declarations of Interest.

2. Election of Chairman for the Ensuing Year & Declaration of Acceptance of Office:

The retiring Chairman asked for nominations for the position of Chairman. Cllr Narborough proposed that the current Chairman continue and this was seconded by Cllr Carrington. There were no further nominations and the resolution was unanimously agreed. Cllr Pennell accepted the position of Chairman. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed and will be forwarded to the Clerk to witness and retain.

3. Election of Vice-Chairman for the Ensuing Year & Declaration of Acceptance of Office:

Nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman were invited. The Chairman proposed Cllr Carrington and this was seconded by Cllr Narborough. There were no further nominations and the resolution was unanimously agreed. Cllr Carrington accepted the position of Vice-Chairman. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed and will be forwarded to the Clerk to witness and retain..

4. Appointment of Members to Committees:

The Chairman proposed to re-appoint members en-bloc with Cllr O’Melia now lead member of Environment. This was seconded by Cllr Carrington. Agreed by all.

Planning: Lead Member Cllr Carrington, Cllr Pennell, Cllr Griffin and Cllr Dowson.

Environment: Lead Member Cllr O’Melia and Cllr Dowson.

Finance: Lead Member Cllr Pennell and Cllr O’Melia.

Bank Signatories: Revalidated Cllr Pennell, Cllr Carrington, Cllr Griffin and Cllr O’Melia.

Communication: Lead Member Cllr Carrington, Cllr Narborough and Cllr Dowson to assist.

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman Ex-Officio Members on all standing committees.

5. Urgent Items for Information:

The Chairman stated we had transferred enough money the previous month to cover expenses for May and June. He proposed we allow £180 for a new printer. All agreed. He further proposed we cancel the meeting scheduled for 17th May 2021 and reassemble on 21st June 2021 when regulations should be clearer. All agreed.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.47pm.