November 2024 Minutes

A Meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Monday 18 November 2024 at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.  The Clerk was also present.

Present:  Councillor L.J. Pennell – Chairman    
               Councillor I.D. Carrington – Vice-Chairman
               Councillor H.L. Dowson             
               Councillor R.C. Narborough
               Councillor L.T. O’Melia

The Chairman welcomed all present. 

1.      Apologies and Declarations of Interest:  Apologies had been received from Cllr Griffin, District Cllr Harrington, District Cllr Goodwin and County Cllr Cawrey.  Cllr Carrington declared a non pecuniary interest in Item 4b and Item 8 as a Trustee of the Village Hall.  The Chairman reminded members they could make the appropriate declaration at any stage should it become necessary.  

2.      Clerk’s Notes from the Meeting held on 21 October 2024:  The notes from this meeting had been distributed to each member.  The Chairman proposed that the notes be accepted and approved as minutes for signing and this was unanimously agreed.  

3.       Matters Arising:

3a.    Information Packs for New Residents:  None.

3b.    Website:  It was noted we had only 27 minutes of website time available.  The Chairman asked members for authority for the Clerk to book another 5 Hours, at a cost of £90 plus VAT, as necessary.  All Agreed. 

4.    Planning:    The Chairman reminded members that any District Councillor present could not express an opinion on any of the planning items. 

4a.     24/0841/RESM – Lincoln South East Quadrant, North of Canwick Avenue and East of London Road, Bracebridge Heath:  On-going

4b.    24/1208/FUL – Erection of Dwelling and Double Garage – Land to Rear of 12 Heighington Road:  This had been e-mailed to members.  Members viewed the plans which were discussed in detail.  It was noted it was a Grade 11 Listed Property and the proposed development would be built on the tennis court.  Members were asked for any comments. It was noted the Social Club had expressed concern to the Trustees about right of access for construction traffic through the Village Hall Car Park.  It was also noted the Tree Officer had expressed concerns. 

Points raised by members included:
•    Impact on heritage asset
•    Reduction of overall size of curtilage with significant harm to the historic setting
•    Design is out of context with no sympathy to the Grade 11 listed building a few yards away
•    Does not sympathetically respond to the locality
•    As the proposed garage will bring the building out to the road it will impact the street scene
•    A construction management plan would be required.

It was agreed that an objection on the points raised would be prepared.  

4c.    Items Notified since Publication of the Agenda:  None.  

5.    Environment:

5a.    Highways Issues:  The Clerk reported:
•       After reporting overhanging trees and iron railings in a poor state of repair on Hall Drive to ‘Fix my Street’ no further action is to be taken as they are not deemed to be a significant hazard.  It was agreed it was unsightly and the Clerk to contact the Landowner, Jesus College, to bring to their attention.
•       It was noted that following a request from Cllr Cawrey a team from LCC Highways had cut back foliage that was obscuring signage on Branston Road.
•       Work is scheduled for the path on Canwick Hill between Hall Drive and Heighington Road following a ‘Fix my Street’ report by Cllr Cawrey.
Cllr Carrington provided an update on the North Hykeham Relief Road stating that the preparation work was all being progressed so that should funding become available LCC would then be ready to proceed.

5b.    Path to Bracebridge Heath Recreation Ground:  NKDC had confirmed that no planning permission would be needed for the path.  The Chairman asked members for authority for Cllr Carrington, the Clerk and himself to seek three quotes for the work.  All agreed.

6.       Correspondence:

6a.    NKDC Parish & Town Council Newsletter – October 2024:  This had been e-mailed to members and was noted.
6b.     LCC Town and Parish Council Newsletter – October 2024:  This had been e-mailed to members and was noted. 

6c.     Highways News:  This had been e-mailed to members and was noted.  

6d.    Operation Bridge – An Update:  This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman stated all information had been updated.

6e.    NSK Parish Council Engagement Session 21 January 2025:  This had been e-mailed to members.  The Chairman stated he was intending to attend the session. 

6f.    Remote Meeting Consultation:  This had been e-mailed to members.  It was noted that the Government is committed to allowing Councils to hold remote meetings and had published a Consultation Paper which closes on 19 December.  All agreed it was a good idea.  Cllr Carrington stated if we were to live stream meetings it could be very useful for public participation.  It was agreed we will respond positively from a Parish Council point of view but the Chairman encouraged members to respond privately as well.

6g.    Community Speed Watch:  This had been e-mailed to members. It was noted they had not stated whether they wished to have a Radar Gun or a Speed Device.  It was thought the information provided would not be permissible as evidence.  The Chairman asked members for approval for the group to be registered.  All agreed.

6h.    Items Received since Publication of Agenda:  None.
7.    County and District Councillor Reports:  None. 

8.    Village Hall:  Cllr Carrington reported that on behalf of the Trustees he had put a £5000 bid in to the UK Rural Prosperity Fund for a new boiler and two consumer units which had been successful.

9.    Finance:   

9a.  Bank Account Update:  The Chairman reported that on 31 October the balance on the Deposit Account was £42,501.01 with £53.29 new interest.  The balance on the Current Account was £1270.43 with three outstanding cheques totalling £967.20 leaving a net balance of £303.23.  

9b.   PCC Grant:  The Chairman reminded members that we normally give a grant to the Parochial Church Council at this time of year and proposed we increase it from £500 (last year’s grant) to £750.  This was agreed by all members present.
It was noted the PCC had received other contributions for the wall repairs at the back of the graveyard. 

9c.   Payments Due in November/December:  See 9b.  
A payment was due on 2 December to the PWLB for £181.52 which included £31.52 interest..
The Chairman sought re-imbursement of £64.99 for the AVG Subscription.
Payments agreed.

9d.   Transfer of Funds: The Chairman proposed transferring £1000 from the deposit account to the current account to cover payments due.  All agreed.

9e.   Precept:  The Chairman asked members to give some thought to anything that we may need to allow for in the precept. 

10.     Urgent Items for Information:  None.

11.    Date of Next Meeting:  Due to the Chairman not being available on the planned date because of surgery the December meeting was to be rescheduled to Wednesday 11 December 2024 at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.35pm.

