October 2024 Minutes

A Meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Monday 21 October 2024 at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.  County Cllr Cawrey, District Cllr Goodwin and the Clerk were also present.

Councillor L.J. Pennell – Chairman    
Councillor H.L. Dowson             
Councillor R.C. Narborough
Councillor L.T. O’Melia

The Chairman welcomed all present. 

1.      Apologies and Declarations of Interest:  Apologies had been received from Cllr Carrington, Cllr Griffin and District Cllr Harrington.  District Cllr Goodwin had notified that she would be a few minutes late due to work commitments.  
The Chairman reminded members they could make the appropriate declaration at any stage should it become necessary.  

2.      Clerk’s Notes from the Meeting held on 16 September 2024:  The notes from this meeting had been distributed to each member.  The Chairman proposed that the notes be accepted and approved as minutes for signing and this was unanimously agreed.  

3.       Matters Arising:

3a.    Information Packs for New Residents:  None.

3b.    Website:  The Chairman paid tribute to the Webmaster Pete Langford who passed away suddenly last month.  Condolences had been sent by the Clerk on behalf of the Parish Council.  It was noted Lalc had appointed Tony Shaw as his successor.  

4.    Planning:    The Chairman reminded members that any District Councillor present could not express an opinion on any of the planning items. 

4a.     24/0841/RESM – Lincoln South East Quadrant, North of Canwick Avenue and East of London Road, Bracebridge Heath:  The Chairman asked members if they had any comments they wished to raise.  No comments raised.  The Chairman stated we will submit comments in due course.

4b.    Items Notified since Publication of the Agenda:  None.  

5.    Environment:

5a.    Highways Issues:  The Chairman thanked Cllr Cawrey for all her efforts with various issues around the village, the majority of which had been attended to.  Cllr Cawrey reported that an enforcement notice had been issued to the hedge owner on Branston Road regarding the overhanging branches which had been an on-going issue.
It was noted that School Lane had been swept and cleared of leaves that day.
Cllr O’Melia reported that the Heighington Road street sign at the junction with Canwick Hill was in a poor state of repair.
The Clerk to report to ‘Fix my Street’.
He also reported trees overhanging by the sub-station on Hall Drive and the iron fencing being in a poor state of repair.  To be investigated.

5b.    Path to Bracebridge Heath Recreation Ground:  Awaiting a response from NKDC Planning. The Chairman will chase up. 

6.     Correspondence:

6a.    NKDC Parish & Town Council Newsletter:  This had been e-mailed to members and was noted.
6b.    LCC Town and Parish Council Newsletter – September 2024:  This had been e-mailed to members and was noted. 

6c.     Greater Lincolnshire Devolution:  This had been e-mailed to members.  The Chairman stated there will be Mayoral elections next May.  It was noted the authority that will be set up will be subject to a review by the government after 3 years.

6d.    Police News:  This had been e-mailed to members. It was noted PCSO Sarah Lingard will be returning to the area temporarily.  The news was welcomed by all.

6e.    Hedgehog Warning Road Signs:  This had been e-mailed to members.  The Chairman had spoken with the lady and pointed her in the direction of Heighington and Washingborough Parish Councils as the areas in issue were under their remit. 

6f.    Highways News:  This had been e-mailed to members.  It was noted there was no update on the North Hykeham Relief Road.

6g.    NKDC Creative Writing Competition:  This had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman asked if they knew of anyone who might be interested to give them details.

6h.    Christmas Refuse Collection Dates:  This had been e-mailed to members.  It was noted everyone’s collection date would alter this Christmas.  The Clerk had provided NK Waste with the Sheepwash Times details for communication of date changes.

6i:    LCC - Highways News:   This had been e-mailed to members. It was noted that the state of the footpath on Canwick Hill was being investigated after Cllr Cawrey reported on ‘Fix my Street’.   

6j.    The Woodland Trust Free Trees:  This had been e-mailed to members.  The Chairman asked members if they knew of anywhere that would benefit from some free trees to let him know.  The Clerk to forward e-mail to the Playing Field Association.

6k.    Nalc – Chief Executive Bulletin: The Chairman stated Nalc had a new website if members wished to have a look.  He then spoke briefly to members about Martyn’s Law.

6l.    Items Received since Publication of Agenda:  An e-mail had been received from the Central Lincolnshire Local Plans Team reminding that the deadline for submitting a response to the Central Lincolnshire Design Code Consultation was 22 October if members wished to do so.

7.    County and District Councillor Reports:  
No District Council report.
It was noted a new NKDC Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive had now been appointed.
Cllr Cawrey reported that the Eastern bypass had been closed the previous day between Greetwell and Wragby Road roundabouts due to pump failure causing flooding. It was noted it was still closed.

8.   Village Hall:  No update.

9.   Finance:   

9a.  Bank Account Update:  The Chairman reported that on 30 September the balance on the Deposit Account was £44,447.72 with £55.77 new interest.  The balance on the Current Account was £361.73 with two outstanding cheques totalling £241.20 leaving a net balance of £120.43.  

9b.   Payments in October:  Two payments were due to Glendale: 
•    £182.40 for Grass Cutting 30 August and 18 September. 
•    £634.80 for the cutting of the Playing Field Hedge in September.
Payments agreed.  

9c.   Transfer of Funds: The Chairman proposed transferring £1000 from the deposit account to the current account to cover payments due.  All agreed.

9d.   Annual Audit:  The Chairman stated the Notice of Conclusion of Audit had been advertised for the requisite time and no enquires had been made.  He confirmed the Audit was now closed.

10.   Urgent Items for Information:  Cllr Narborough stated there had been excessive noise lately from the aircraft at RAF Waddington.  The Chairman stated there is an on-going exercise.
Cllr Narborough then mentioned a bird scarer that is constantly going off.  It was noted that as this was agricultural there would be little we could do about it.

11.   Date of Next Meeting:  The next meeting was scheduled for 7pm on Monday 18 November 2024 at the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.48pm.